Do your 8 to 14 year old kids love hands-on projects?
Are they thirsty for opportunities to explore science and engineering?
Do you want encourage them to stay curious as they learn?
The Adventures program encourages creative kids (ages 8 to 14) to embrace their inner engineer, physicist, or inventor. You can choose from three distinct six-week adventures: engineering, physics, and inventing. Every adventure is designed to encourage kids to wrestle with big questions like:
- How does the seesaw work?
- Who designed the bicycle?
- Can I invent something?
Every adventure includes weekly hands-on projects. They are designed for children between the ages of 8 and 14. Parents should expect that children between the ages of 8 and 10 may need occasional parent support. Children between the ages of 11 and 14 should be able to complete the activities reasonably independently.
Every week has between an hour and four hours of fun projects. To get a better sense of what a week entails, you can take a closer look at some sample projects from the Engineering adventure, the Inventing adventure, and the Physics adventure. All projects use materials that are found around the house or are available at a grocery store, department store, or (in rare cases) a hardware store.
When you as a parent sign up for the program, you will receive a welcome email containing a link to your family's first adventure. 3 to 7 days later (depending on your payment method), you will receive an email detailing how to access a web portal with all six adventures attached. I am also just an email away if you or your child needs any support.

We will be investigating projects related to air, water, life, structures, materials, and light. Your child will take on projects like designing a spinning waterwheel, creating strong bridges and towers, and making our own music. Each week has three hands-on challenges.
The Engineering program is priced per family. Purchasing the Engineering program means that you agree to the Curiosity Effect's terms of use.

We will be diving into the science behind everyday things and asking bit questions about how the world works. Your child will explore questions like "How does a seesaw balance?" and "How can we throw things on target?" Each week has three hands-on challenges.
The Physics program is priced per family. Purchasing the Physics program means that you agree to the Curiosity Effect's terms of use.

We will be digging into the invention process, exploring famous inventions like the light bulb, windshield wipers, and the vacuum cleaner along the way. Your child will discover how to use different materials while creating his or her own invention over six weeks.
The Inventing program is priced per family. Purchasing the Inventing program means that you agree to the Curiosity Effect's terms of use.
Encourage engaged, active exploration
Kids need opportunities to explore their world, ask big questions, and achieve their goals successfully.
The Curiosity Effect encourages kids to explore their world, both inside and outside of the house. As kids complete their weekly adventures, they develop strong sense of pride in their problem-solving skills and abilities to create awesome things.
Access fun, hands-on, creative science and engineering projects
Kids look at the world differently. They want to explore everything. It can be hard for parents to keep up with all of the questions kids ask.
The Curiosity Effect gives you concrete activity ideas to hold pace with even the most inquisitive youngster. Expand your knowledge of great projects. Your kid wants to make things that go beyond a vinegar and baking soda volcano or an egg drop container. The Curiosity Effect helps you make that happen... without having to go out and buy special supplies.
Enrich your child's academic learning by leveraging their curiosity
Kids want to learn by doing. Engineering projects do not have right answers, so kids continue to improve and modify their designs.
The Curiosity Effect is full of real science and engineering content that honors how kids learn. I leverage my experience as a teacher and curriculum designer to make sure that there's something for everyone. Your kids will fall in love with learning, doing, and creating. You will feel better knowing that your kid has more access to hands-on science and engineering challenges.

Develop your own designs while exploring what engineers do. Every week has three challenges. I cannot wait to see what you will create!
The Engineering program is priced per family. Purchasing the Engineering program means that you agree to the Curiosity Effect's terms of use.

Unlock the mysteries of science as you explore physics. Every week has three hands-on experiments. Let's explore together!
The Physics program is priced per family. Purchasing the Physics program means that you agree to the Curiosity Effect's terms of use.

Bring your idea to life. Each week has a small invention challenge to help you hone your skills. Let's do this!
The Inventing program is priced per family. Purchasing the Inventing program means that you agree to the Curiosity Effect's terms of use.
Are you searching for programs for younger kids? Check out the Curiosity Effect Explorations to learn more about programs for kids ages 2 to 7!
Meet the Author
The Curiosity Effect is a brainchild of Lindsey Nelson. Lindsey is an experienced engineering educator who loves helping creative kids of all ages explore math, science, and engineering. The Curiosity Effect started because some friends asked Lindsey to create meaningful hands-on learning experiences for their kids ages 2 and up. Lindsey loves a good challenge and identified diverse projects for kids to roll up their sleeves and have some fun.
All projects rely on materials that are already in the house or could be found easily at a grocery store, general department store, or (in rare cases) a hardware store. The vast majority of projects can be completed with making a minimal mess. (Think cleaning up craft sticks and construction paper.) Many kids can attempt all of the projects on their own. Additionally the Curiosity Effect programs are perfect for family fun time and homeschool co-ops.
By leveraging curiosity and igniting creativity, Lindsey hopes to encourage kids to ask lots of questions, take initiative while learning, and pursue their dreams. To learn more about Lindsey, click the picture of Lindsey playing outside.