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My name is Lindsey. I am a mechanical engineer who lives in Washington, DC where I enjoy getting kids super excited about math, science, and engineering.
For me, the world of engineering is about asking good questions. Engineers are people who ask "What if we tried..." and "How might we..." These questions require robust curiosity and willingness to take risks. Engineers brainstorm possibilities to imagine a world that doesn't yet exist. We choose ideas to develop, knowing that there can be a long journey from thought to thing. Everything about the Engineering Classroom is oriented toward teaching kids the ABCs of Design. Kids appreciate the art and science of engineering while developing their creative problem solving muscles, growing in self-confidence, and falling in love with learning.
I think that engineering is for everyone because I believe that engineering is fundamentally a verb. Engineers design and build machines, structures, and processes that help people solve problems. Engineering is about doing, so my classes challenge students to jump right into the content, supporting them every step of the way. My classes revolve around real-world projects that enable learners to experience engineering first hand.
I'm an engineer through and through. As a kid, I loved taking apart pens and clothespins to understand how they worked. I couldn't get enough math and science. I took all the math and science courses offered by my high school, attended Space Academy and Advanced Space Academy, completed in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair three years in a row, and was a semi-finalist in the Science Talent Search. I may have transformed a 78 rpm record player into a centrifuge to see what would happen if soybean seeds were exposed to the acceleration profile of the space shuttle. I leverage every ounce of my creativity to help kids explore their own questions.
I hold a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Boston University and an MS in Engineering Education from Purdue University. Along the way, I specialized in engineering design, gifted education, and curriculum development. I live for seeing the look on a kid's face when they finally figure out how to make their project work, and I'm always ready with the celebratory high five.
I can't wait to get to know you and the learners you love. I look forward to meeting your learners in a class. If you'd like to get in touch with me directly, please send an email to support at opportunityunlocked dot com.